Haven to Hell Alternative Rides


The SS1K will be a Pennsylvania in-state 1000. The majority of the route will be on Interstate with no tolls makign this ideal for a newbie to the LDR world. 

See the Route for PA SS1K!

BB1500 and BBG 1500

These rides are for the more experienced LD rider. The BB1500 is 1500miles in 36 hours and the BBG1500 is 1500 miles in 24 hours. To increase the likelihood of success the entire route is on interstate and, as an official IBA sanctioned ride through Hoagy's Heroes ONLY, these rides will require only 3 (yes THREE!) receipts; Start, turn-around and end.

Outwest 1500

Haven to Hell 1500

SS2k and SS2k Gold

To cap off the list of rides there is a full 2000 mile ride to achieve the SS2k or SS2k Gold. To complete the SS2K riders must complete the 2,000 mile ride in less than 48 hours. If yo are feeling extreme, and ONLY for experienced riders, try for the SS2K gold and ride 2,000 miles in less than 36 hours!! As with the 1,500 mile rides, and through special arrangement with the IBA and Hoagys Heroes, these rides will also require only 3 (yes THREE AGAIN!) receipts; start, middle and end.

Outwest 2000